Under Eye Treatment

Under-eye pigmentation / dark circles around eyes is a condition wherein the skin underneath the eyes are darker than the normal skin. In contrast, under eye circles is a condition in which the zone beneath the eyes gets sunken and pigmented. Many individuals feel uncomfortable because of big and/or dark under-eye bags. These conditions can be rectified using chemical peels and laser therapy at Derma Essence by top dermatologist in Delhi.

What causes dark under-eye circle?

The causes of under eye darkening are as following –

  • Genetic – Sometime darkening on under eye area is familial
  • Life style – Use of goggles and late night work , fatigue ( mental and physical)  can strain to eye muscles which causes darkening.
  • Melanin pigmentation – Increase melanin pigmentation is another reason
  • Allergic reaction – Constant rubbing, dryness and itching on skin is more prone for pigmentation like atopic dermatitis.
  • Under eye hollowness – Under eye hollowness can be reason of a perception of under eye darkening.
  • Superficial veins – The greyish/ bluish discolouration is because of superficial blood vessels and pooling of blood
  • Deficiencies – Like anaemia

What are the reasons of eye bags?

Because of constant strain in the eye muscles, there will be collection of fluid in the lower lid skin layers which forms eye bags. The reasons are like life style, late night sleep or sleeplessness and stress.

What are the treatment options for under eye dark circles?

  • Avoid any allergic reactions , if occurring due to chemicals, makeup or any under eye medicines.
  • familial and melanin induced pigmentation can be managed with some medicines, peels and Q-switched Nd-YAG Laser ( Helios laser )
  • Under eye hollowness can be managed with Dermal filler, ( See the video below)
  • Pigmentation due to under eye vessels sometimes difficult to manage.
  • Under eye plasma treatment is also help to rejuvenate the under eye area.

What is post procedure care ?

Chemical peels make the outside layer of the skin to blister and to heal, since you are applying a chemical solution to the skin. The effect of the chemical peel is that the new skin, which is now visible, is often less crumpled and much smoother than the old skin which has been removed. The effect is somewhat provisional, but it can be quite deep.

Dr. Reena Sharma
MBBS, Skin Specialist

An MD-Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprosy, Dr. Reena Sharma is looked upon as one of the best dermatologists in Noida.

Opening Hours
10.00 am - 2.00 pm
5.00 pm - 8.00 pm
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