
If your face shows a lot of signs of aging, like wrinkles, lines and drooping, you could profit from a facelift. These are performed surgically as well as non-surgically via thread lift, Cool Sculpting, HIFU, RF, etc. The procedure involves the elimination of excess fat, tightening of the muscles and tightening of the skin. Derma Essence Clinic, A well-reputed skin clinic in Noida offering a non-surgical facelift in Noida at very reasonable prices.

What are the benefits to reap?

  • Get control over your ageing skin by lifting sagging cheeks and jowls
  • Look 5 to 10 year younger to win routine competition with younger individuals
  • Get more responsiveness from opposite sex
  • Improve your self-confidence
  • Is safe as no general anesthesia, no marks, no irreparable face changes because nothing is removed
  • Natural look: nothing is removed, you are still yourself

Is it unsafe to get a facelift?

Any surgical process carries some risk. The utmost risk is likely to be having an allergic reaction to the anaesthesia. Patients with such an apprehension should refer their doctor about alternatives to getting a general anaesthesia. There are also hazards of excessive bleeding, infection and impairment to the facial nerves. The finest way to counter such risks is to get an exceedingly skilled cosmetic surgeon.

Is a facelift painful?

The real operation is implemented under general anesthesia, so the patient should not feel pain. After the operation, the patient will experience pain and inflammation for about three days, at times for as long as a week. If pain continues even after that time, that might be a sign of complications.

How long will the results of a facelift last?

For folks in their forties, the effects of a facelift will last for about 10 years. For individuals in their sixties and older, the effects will last for around 5 to 8 years.

Dr. Reena Sharma
MBBS, Skin Specialist

An MD-Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprosy, Dr. Reena Sharma is looked upon as one of the best dermatologists in Noida.

Opening Hours
10.00 am - 2.00 pm
5.00 pm - 8.00 pm
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