Hairs are a very important part of an individual’s personality. Losing hairs is the worst nightmare that many men and women all around the world go through. Fortunately, many treatments are available and gaining hairs not only adds to looks and personality but also boosts up the lost confidence. At times it is difficult to decide which hair growth therapy to opt for as there are many procedures available. Most recent and extensively used procedures for hair fall now a day is Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy.
PRP therapy is extensively used worldwide for hair loss treatments. Its use started after researchers found that high plasma concentrations of platelet can promote hair growth. This therapy uses your own blood, from which highly concentrated platelet is extracted.
PRP therapy is a three-step method- blood withdrawal, processing and injecting into the scalp skin.
PRP treatment triggers hair growth as it is rich in growth factors and thus increases the phase of hair growth.
Patient’s blood is withdrawn and transferred to specialized kits. Then spinned in a centrifuge machine to separate out the platelets concentrated in plasma. This Platelet-rich plasma is then infused into the scalp skin where hair growth promotion is desired.
The frequency of sessions and the number of treatments depends on the pattern and amount of hair loss, age, hormonal profile, etc.
PRP is full of growth factors, therefore it starts working from the very first session. When done on face the improvement in texture, tone, fine lines and scars are appreciable with each session. The dullness and tired look of the face is also worked upon by PRP therapy. PRP, when done on the scalp, provides nutrition and strength to roots from the beginning. The hair fall starts to decrease and the shaft thickness increases within the first 2 months. Thereafter the density improves. The fullness on the scalp is appreciable easily when proper protocol and treatment regimens are followed. Due to its high safety profile, PRP treatment is one of the most popular procedures in Noida. As consistency in treatment is the key to experiencing the best outcome in PRP therapy, get done the advised number of session and the fewer maintenance sessions as advised by the dermatologist.
Results might not always be quick, though appreciable improvement in skin and hair loss is definitely experienced by the majority.
PRP is made from your own blood. It is, therefore, one of the safest modality when used for skin as well as for hairs. It can be used by either injecting directly into the skin or in the form of mesotherapy. Both the modalities are safe and effective. You can resume all routine activities from immediately after the session. Due to its safety profile, it has become one of the most popular modality for facial rejuvenation as well as for hair loss treatments.
An MD-Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprosy, Dr. Reena Sharma is looked upon as one of the best dermatologists in Noida.